Anyone else feeling like this past year flew by?  I can't believe 2019 is here.  I have been reflecting on the past year and I am filled with gratitude when I think of all my wonderful clients and the support from each and every one of you.  Opening the spa a couple years ago was truly a dream come true, and I couldn't have done it without you!  This year I urge you all to chase a dream.  Big or small, put your fears aside and go after something that you've always wanted.  You never know where you could end up. "Don't give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you". 


To all of our new subscribers, welcome!  This is your monthly newsletter that lets you in on all the insider info; monthly specials, skincare tips, FAQ's on our most popular treatments, upcoming events and more. We want to know what you want more of! Open house events with live demos? Giveaways? Live stories with Q&A on Instagram/Facebook? Reply to this email and let us know. We want to make 2019 our best year yet! 
This time of year most of us are struggling with dry skin, or what we believe to be "dry skin".  But did you know that there is a difference between "dry skin" and "dehydrated skin", and they are treated differently?  Below we break down the difference and the best way to combat them both!

Dry skin lacks sebum (oil) and is generally hereditary.  Your skin feels dry all over (including the hands and scalp), making it more suseptible to premature aging.  It constantly needs moisturizer and oil-rich products. It is important to eliminate harsh cleansers that strip your skin's natural oils. 

Dehydrated skin lacks water and can be experienced by anyone.  It can come and go based on diet, season (cold winter air for example), water intake, incorrect product use and environment (heated indoor spaces).  Skin can feel oily and dry simultaneously, and you are more prone to breakouts.  Your skin needs water-rich products or products that contain aloe and hyaloronic acid.  Try a humidifier in your bedroom at night and avoid caffeine and alcohol as they tend to dehydrate you. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces daily (more if you exercise).  For example, a 150 pound person would drink 75 ounces of water daily.

- This month's special is a little different.  We want to help you put a fresh face forward for the new year, so we came up with a full makeover package that will have everyone taking a double take at the new you!  Your New Year Makeover includes...

- 50 units Botox or Dysport
-2 syringes of Restylane Lyft
-1 syringe of Restylane Refyne
-1 Get Glowing chemical peel
All for only $2000 (Over $500 in savings). 

Offer valid through January 31st, 2019. Call/text to book. 208-304-7535
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